Showing posts with label LinkedIn Search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LinkedIn Search. Show all posts


New simplified view of your visitors on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has launched a new simplified view of "Who has viewed your profile ?". The new simplified view of profile visitors makes it easier for every LinkedIn user to check who, what and how their profile have been discovered on LinkedIn.

The new simplified view not only gives a mere data of who is viewing you on Linkedin but also give strong insights on the connections and groups you have in common with the viewer. Below is my LinkedIn simplified view of profile visitors:

The premium option offers insights of past 90 days to know more about  the top search keywords done by professional to reach your LinkedIn profile, the industries and geographies from where the searches come from. Premium LinkedIn member also have the ability to filter search results by weeks. This will make it easier to identify key trends and changes that will enable a LinkedIn user to make his professional LinkedIn profile stand out.

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