
How to be successful on social media ?

Social Media is a wonder world where people spend hours of time each day updating status, sharing news, interacting with friends and connecting with new people. To manage social media effectively everyone needs a social media plan.

Know your connections and interest

It is always important to know who your connections are on each social network. The specific set of interests your connections share with you in each social network. Create content based on your connections and their interest. Share the content with specific connections who are interested in the particular content you are sharing and it will help your content reach virally to more people with same interest.

Social media is like word of mouth and it is highly important to share content that is of interest to users. Keep in mind that people care about topics that are of interest to them.

Know when to share

Knowing your social media contacts as well as their interest is important but it is also important to know when to share content on social media website. Social media is all about engagement and it is therefore important to share content at right time.

Measure your success

It is important for professionals to measure the success of their social media platforms. Use a social media tool to measure your social media success.

Connect with me on LinkedIn - http://in.linkedin.com/in/cijoabrahammani‎

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